Critical Arts South-North Cultural and Media Studies Volume 33, 2019 - Issue 4-5: Rethinking Khoe and San Indigeneity, Language and Culture in South Africa
Published Date

An inclusive methodology emphasises other-centredness and many ways of knowing including spirituality. It draws on the spirit of ubuntukanala and participatory communication towards research that results in a product that is “the one made by many”. How this type of methodology can be implemented ethically in the recording and dissemination of indigenous stories and, more importantly, how it may challenge the spiritual well-being of the storyteller is considered. Three case studies involving the author directly are examined. Aspects of The South African San Institute’s San Code of Ethics are considered specifically in the argument for participant agency. Challenges addressed include the following. What are the ethical concerns that need to be addressed in the process of recording and transcribing indigenous stories and the publication and dissemination of the product? If and how does the telling of their stories impact the spiritual well-being of the storytellers? How can an inclusive methodology assist in preparing storytellers for possible negative impacts on their spiritual well-being in the telling of their stories?